Fundamental shifts in global markets

There is almost no company in the world today that is not affected by the world markets. Even if the company itself does not sell internationally, they certainly see more and more international competitors in their local market. 全球价值链将世界各地的公司相互联系在一起,形成一个相互依存的网络. This is the key to why most companies are hit by changes in the world market. We see multiple changes taking place simultaneously, some are interdependent and some just happen at the same time. 共同的特点是,它们正在改变我们所知道的世界市场,并将影响公司和社会, both in Sweden and globally.

The industrial revolution 4.0

The technology revolution is ongoing, where artificial intelligence, digitalization, automation, robotics and internet of things play key roles. 十年前,我们在科技博览会上看到的令人惊叹的原型机,以及我们在《PG电子官方免费下载》上读到的关于未来科技的文章,现在正在全球各地的生产单位中真正发生. 这将从根本上改变生产的前提条件,并在全球范围内带来巨大的权力转移.

New regions and countries will emerge as more competitive than others, while others will fail to keep up with speed and development. Long term experience and heritage, combined with smart investments, will compete with regions without the burden of installed base and filled with hunger, numbers of people and a strong demand to succeed. Access to world class education, R&D, competitive institutions will be crucial all over the world.

Sweden has been a world leader in robotics, IT and telecom and has key competences at our universities, companies and in our governmental agencies. 我们需要确保能力和投资,保持我们的竞争地位,密切关注和参与世界其他地区的高速发展.

New business logics and paradigm shifts

Amid these big technology shifts, new products and services are unfolding. Some are truly revolutionizing, offering solutions to long term sustainability and health challenges for example, while others yet create new business models. Large global companies shift positions in the global value chain, 例如,从销售产品到提供PG电子游戏,小型创新初创公司打破了价值链,并迅速超越了全球参与者. 全球价值链新商业逻辑搅动全球市场竞争格局.

The divide between traditional and new companies is increasing, not just when it comes to market value. Companies that have been around for generations struggle to keep up with the tidal wave. 快速的转型带来了不确定性,许多人感到业务风险正在增加.

公司需要拥抱全球商业智能,并遵循竞争格局. 我所在的行业正在发生什么?我们有哪些适应或创新的选择来取得领导地位? 在你的战略中包含新的趋势,并形成关于如何采取行动以及如何减轻和管理风险的方案.

A tilt to Asia

Half of the world’s population live in the Asia Pacific region. 目前该地区中产阶级的增长速度超过了世界其他地区, both in number and in speed. That is fuelling a demand for everything from infrastructure, schools, health care to consumer products, to name a few. 随着亚洲业务的增长,亚洲公司也将向全球扩张,进军西方本地市场.

Companies will have to thoroughly understand the Asian companies in your industry. 由于亚洲公司的发展和增长速度非常快,因此了解这些公司的现状非常重要, and what and where they probably will be tomorrow. I see too few Swedish companies present in Asia today. 我们需要将在亚洲的业务扩大一倍,才能在未来的全球竞争中保持领先地位.

Changed world order and increased geopolitical instability

Institutions and organization like the UN, WTO, NATO, EU and many more have been questioned and challenged during the last few years. These organizations too are struggling with the high pace of change in our world. 几十年来,它们一直扮演着重要的角色,随着它们的崩溃,世界的稳定也随之崩溃.

随着美国撤回其领导和支持,真空迅速被其他参与者填补. Changes cause instability which opens for misunderstandings and increased risk. 当世界需要领导来对抗这种不稳定以及气候变化时, the leadership is swaying.

Managing risks is crucial for stability in companies’ trade and investments. Instabilities require back-up plans. Make sure to plan for different scenarios in key markets of your global value chain, including aspects of global production, export, import and future investments. Have preventive actions ready and when the wind changes — act and react fast.


Trade and foreign investments are key to Sweden

In this changing environment with technology shifts, power shifts and new regions expanding, 对PG电子官方免费下载这样的小国来说,贸易和持续的国际投资比以往任何时候都更加重要.

我们需要确保PG电子官方免费下载公司做好充分准备,在世界市场上保持竞争优势, PG电子官方免费下载市场对外国公司来说仍然是一个有吸引力的投资目的地. If not, we risk future jobs and welfare in Sweden!

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